Project Report

Where may I find and use and customize Strategic Report about projetcs ?

Statement from Kunagi Team

See sto243.


Issue is closed.


Wed, Jun 5, 2013, 19:53 by artjom (PO,T)

You can download PDF-versions of all relevant views in Kunagi by clicking the "Download as PDF" link at the bottom of the respective views.

There is no way to customize anything, because we favour ease of use and good defaults over customization.

Is there anything specific that you are missing?

Wed, Jun 5, 2013, 21:13 by Wander

Yes , I am looking for a report about the status of activities (dalayed and done) in a Project .

In order to realize the situation about the status of Projects . A kind of executive report .

thanks for your support

Thu, Jun 6, 2013, 10:35 by artjom (PO,T)

What kinds of "activities" do you have in mind?

Generally, there are two major relevant views: The Whiteboard (including the current Sprint with a reference to Qualities and Impediments) and the Bugs in the Issues list. Both are worked on by the Team during a Sprint. You can download both as PDF. In the Product Backlog, there is a projection of what will probably be done and when, based on an estimated Team Velocity. There is no "delayed" in the straight sense, because the Product Backlog is a living document.

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