Sprint Planning: pull Stories

During Sprint Planning, there should be a more convenient way to pull Stories to the current Sprint, like "pull all Stories until here".

Statement from Kunagi Team

Created Story sto140 in Product Backlog.

Abandoned sto140 for lack of clean solutions. Postponed until considered necessary.


Issue is closed.


Tue, Oct 5, 2010, 13:38 by Philip

It would be nice to have page with two columns.
Left one - Productbacklog,
right one - sprints

Then you could just drug story between product backlog and any sprint.
Optionally: between sprints

Tue, Oct 5, 2010, 14:34 by Witek (SM,T)

I think, having multiple future sprints is a bad idea for Scrum projects for the following reasons:

  • It is essential in Scrum, to have a sprint planning meeting just before the sprint.
  • Team needs to commit to the next sprint, not to future ones.
  • Product owner needs to be able to change priorities of stories for future sprints, without affecting teams commitment.
  • Team commits to stories based on the velocity (from the last sprint).

See also: ScrumGuide.

Tue, Oct 5, 2010, 15:40 by artjom (PO,T)

As there is only one Sprint (for good reasons that witek noted below), a split screen view of the Product Backlog and the current Sprint is of very limited use.

There is no sense in planning multiple Sprints in advance. As a Product Owner, you can get an estimate of what the Team will presumably accomplish during the upcoming iterations by using the projection in the Product Backlog.

This Idea aims to allow the Team to pull multiple Stories at once, reducing unnecessary clicks during Sprint Planning.

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