Scrum with Kunagi
Since the project was started in September 2008, we are doing Scrum. After a year of work, Kunagi was good enough to give it a try. From the beginning it was perfect for our needs. Now Kunagi is able to export its contents, so we can share our progress and plans with you.
Sprint Backlog
The current sprint started on June 14, 2016 and will end on September 18, 2016.
Goal for the current Sprint
Pull Kunagi to a state-of-the art look and add improvements related to an appropriate feel of use.
Stories the Team has committed to
- sto234 Modernize UI
Current Burndown

Product Backlog
- sto233 Redesign "Project Selector"
- sto117 Latest Actions in the UI
- sto118 Execute related actions via the Latest-Action-Widget
- sto245 Context-aware actions in fixed header or sidebar
- sto238 Evaluate Bug-Story
- sto240 Archive old Sprints
- sto175 Fisheye-Calendar
- sto218 Display view location in window/tab title
- sto255 Simple Mobile View
- sto148 PO Tutorial
- sto160 SM Tutorial
- sto161 Team Tutorial
- sto243 Dashboard PDF
- sto219 Projects-Overview
- sto237 In-Program Feedback Requests
- sto200 Forecast in Product Backlog PDF
- sto227 Reference current entity locations in Sprint History
- sto182 Auto-Smells
- sto249 Serve project homepages
- sto186 Provide Read-Only-API
- sto196 Make a new front page with less text
- sto222 PDF for entities
- sto189 SCM integration
- sto199 Use ScalaTest to test Kunagi
- sto180 Theme-Widget
- sto208 Show Wiki pages in user widget
- sto209 Sort and filter Wiki tables
- sto224 Image upload via drag-and-drop
- sto215 Display of estimation accuracy
- sto174 Sorting filtered Product Backlog
- sto164 Test on Safari
- sto159 Search Issue Database on Website
- sto225 Separate entities by project
- sto228 Content in RSS-Feeds
- sto120 Manage users
- sto163 Test on Internet Explorer
- sto141 TOC for Wiki Entries in Kunagi
- sto226 Task List for SM and PO
- sto112 Polish Project Journal
- sto24 User documenation
- sto109 Screencasts
- sto69 Methods to support PO with PB prioritization
- sto20 Hosting
- sto66 Internationalization
- sto185 Provide Write-API
- sto188 Pretty URLs
- sto192 Wait for Comment
- sto201 Public forum for users on
- sto203 Bugzilla integration
- sto205 Delete empty sprints
- sto206 Mine user's default settings
- sto207 Manage LDAP users before first login
- sto211 iCal integration
- sto244 Project-Timeline in Calendar
- sto212 Error mails to admin
- sto213 Deleting/disabling projects
- sto214 Automatic bug report filing
- sto216 Estimation of very short Tasks
- sto217 Onboarding
- sto246 Hiding Features
- sto247 Customizable login page
- sto251 Burndownchart based on storypoints
- sto254 Filtering the Issues / Journal / Other views
- sto252 Make Story status icons more expressive
- sto253 Collapsing completed Stories in Whiteboard
There are more story canditates among collected ideas.
We are working on making our development process more open. Please see our developer guide for source code and an introduction.