Release 0.25
We have a new Kunagi version out with improved performance on projects wiht a lot of sprints and with the following Stories implemented and Issues fixed:
Release 0.24.5
We have released a new Kunagi version with several Issues fixed. Version 0.24.5 now contains the new GWT 2.5, which should result in better performance.
Release 0.24.4
We have released a new Kunagi version with several Issues fixed.
Release 0.24.2
Things have been quiet here for the last couple of weeks, but we have started working on the next Kunagi version.
Release 0.24
Better late than never: Kunagi 0.24 is done! Changes in the new version are twofold.
Release 0.23.2
We have fixed another problem introduced by sto187. With versions 0.23 and 0.23.1 the burndown chart would use hours from past Sprints for calculations, which is clearly incorrect. Go grab 0.23.2 before you run into this problem!
Release 0.23.1
We just released a bugfix for Kunagi 0.23, dealing with some bugs that could prevent people from working smoothly or cause minor data loss. We also added msttcorefonts
as Recommends to the debian package, to solve a problem with the burndown chart. The Issues were iss659, iss776 and iss783.
Release 0.23
We are proud to announce an exciting new Kunagi version, featuring a substantial set of improvements.
Release 0.22.3
We have a larger bugfix release. Especially problems with Open-ID logins that lead to a EntityDoesNotExistException have been fixed. Happy Scrumming!
Release 0.22
Kunagi 0.22 is out. Improvements in scrumminess are not as big as we had planned, but there is at least one thing, the Planning Poker estimation help (sto198): When playing Planning Poker, Kunagi now helps by presenting Stories and combination of Stories that have similar estimations as the card the user is about to pick.
Release 0.21
It has taken a while, but here it is: Kunagi release 0.21 introduces packages for Ubuntu and and installer for Windows for easy installation oh those systems. Both the formats can now be downloaded with every Kunagi release.
Release 0.19
Release 0.19 introduces some minor changes, most importantly fixes for some crashes that would occur in 0.18.
Release 0.18
Working on 0.18 took us an unusually long while, but now it's done.
Release 0.17
Kunagi 0.17 is out and introduces some improvements for the Product Owner's workflow:
Release 0.16.1
Release 0.16.1 is out and fixes some issues with 0.16. Most importantly, there was a wrong library in 0.16 that caused Tomcat 5.5 and 7 not to start Kunagi correctly.
Release 0.16
We didn't quite make our goal this Sprint. However, Release 0.16 is here and it is by all means a valid improvement over 0.15.
Roadmap for November 2010
Here we go with the Roadmap for November and the rest of the year:
Release 0.15
The main new (and as always, very exciting) feature we were able to ship with release 0.15 is opening all links and expanding all entities in a new tab / window.
Release 0.14
We have been working on a lot of small stuff this Sprint and are proud to present our longest release notes yet. The plans for next Sprint are similar, so expect another one of these next month.
Release 0.13
Release 0.13 is here and contains one especially exciting and several minor, but convenience-boosting changes:
Roadmap for August 2010
We just started our sprint for August. Due to vacations, this sprint will be only two weeks, but we will try to get done as much as possible. The next sprint will start some time in September.
Release 0.12
We have deployed a new release with several improvements over the previous version.
What is Kunagi?
Kunagi is a free web-based tool for integrated project management and collaboration based on Scrum. It is integrated, allowing users to manage their complete project using only one tool. For that purpose, Scrum is supplemented by a selection of other best practices to cover all project management needs. The tool's range provides not only the basis for all Scrum practices (like product, sprint backlogs and impediment list), but also offers management of additional important project data (like non-functional requirements, risks, files, issues and bugs), as well as several features for ease of use (featuring a project dashboard, an interactive whiteboard for the current sprint and planning poker for estimation) and team collaboration (including comments for every entity, a wiki and a discussion board).