Validate user color

If you change the default color to a color that is not known (typo-failure ex. purpel instead of purple) you cannot go to the Personal Preference any more.

As a user of kunagi i want that the system checks if the given color is valid for kunagi.

Statement from Kunagi Team

IE8-Bug, will be addressed in sto37.


Bug is accepted as 'minor ' and the Team needs to fix it for Release 0.15.


Tue, Oct 26, 2010, 13:53 by Witek (SM,T)

I can not reproduce this bug. Typing an unknown color causes displaying the user in black. Have no problems with opening preferences and changing the color.

What is ment by "Cannot go to the Personal Preference any more"? Do you get an error message? Does the click not work?

Tue, Nov 2, 2010, 21:09 by Sebastian

I am sorry. It works for me in 0.14 and 0.14.1 at my home computer. I will try it again at work tomorrow.

Mon, Nov 8, 2010, 10:00 by anonymous

Sorry for the late reply.

It only happend on IE8.

no error in server-log-file

Client-Message:Unexpected error: JavaScriptException: (Error): Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert.
number: -2146827908
description: Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert. Restarting your session...

Mon, Nov 8, 2010, 10:01 by Sebastian

It only happend on IE8.

No Server-log-message

Client Log Message:
Unexpected error: JavaScriptException: (Error): Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert.
number: -2146827908
description: Ungültiger Eigenschaftswert. Restarting your session...

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