Unable to find Windows version

Hi, just following the downloadinstruction, I wasn't able to find the kunagixx.exe file.

Pleas help.



Statement from Kunagi Team

You can find all Kunagi downloads if you follow the download link on our website to the sourceforge download page.

Download page on kunagi.org: kunagi.org/download.html
Sourceforge: sourceforge.net/projects/kunagi/files/0.23.2 for version 0.23.2


Issue is closed.


Fri, Jul 27, 2012, 20:17 by Paolo Di Pietro

I downloaded kunagi64.exe, but when i try to install it I received the following error:

Fehler beim Erstellen des Prozesses <javaw -classpath katokorbo.jar;datalina.jar;tomcat-juli.jar;servlet-api.jar;annotation-api.jar;katokorbo.Katokorbo --title Kunagi --port 9061 http://kunagi.org/katokorbo.properties> Ursache: Impossible to find the specified file

If I download on the same machine the 32 version, it runs fine.

By the way, how can I set a different directory to install data files?

Thank you


Mon, Jul 30, 2012, 08:27 by Witek (SM,T)

It seams you have no Java installed. Or your Java is not "accessible". Since I don't use Windows for many years anymore I'm not sure how to solve the problem. I would recommend to install a current Java version.

It is not possible to change the data direcotry in the windows-exe version of Kunagi. For a professional production installation I would recommend to install Kunagi on a Debian based OS. If you have to use Windows, you should install Apache Tomcat 6 yourself and place the the .war file into the webapps directory.

Sun, Nov 25, 2018, 15:45 by Alejandro Cruz

https://sourceforge.net/projects/kunagi/files/ = This project has no files.

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